Monday, March 19, 2012

The Drought is Over Part5

....just kidding. I wish I was as cool as Lil Wayne in title-naming skills, but unfortunately my talents lie elsewhere. This post is to declare that I am officially reviving my blogging as part of a cooperative effort across the Atlantic Ocean. Just recently, I was listening to my usual favorite Italian radio Podcast, Decanter, and I heard a woman promoting her blog, "Faccio Tutto da Sola" (I do everything myself) at and In this blog, the woman recounts her daily life and her adventures in the world of wine and food; she is a working woman and does not have excessive amounts of time, but looks up recipes, tweaks them to fit her taste, and blogs about it. Think Julie and Julia with internet recipes in place of Mastering the Art of French Cooking (not even kidding - her name is Giulia). She has also recently began a "Sommelier Course"once a week in which she writes about the art of tasting and knowing wine. Her blog has been nominated for an award for the Best Lifestyle Blog in Italy, and she has just discovered that she is a finalist. Anyway, it's pretty amazing. Where I come in is two weeks ago. After I heard her on Decanter, I wrote her with a recipe for coffee cake, we quickly found that we are kindred spirits, and she asked me to write for a section of her blog, called Faccio Tutto da Sola USA. In this section, I will introduce recipes, brag about the diverse beauty of American food and culture, and try to paint a full picture of the Land of the Free. From my experience, we tend to be pretty flat characters in the minds of many foreigners (for example, when my section of the blog was introduced on a radio show, they played the Beach Boys Surfin' USA and Born in the USA. The time it took to listen to two of the most stereotypical "America"songs was more than enough to come to the realization that I have my work cut out for me.) I hope to share the real America with our pan-Atlantic neighbors. For my friend's blog, I write in Italian, but I hope to also post blogs in English on this page, so that we can have a full collaboration and everyone on this side of the pond can learn a bit about today's Italy, which is a little different from the Italy of our grandparents, as well. Avanti!

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